


So this is the start of my new daily blog I guess. I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with it but I'll try.

So yesterday, my sister gets mad at me and starts reciting all the things she hates about me just because I don't want to hear about the subject of my mom losing her job. So I went up to my room crying and realizing how imperfect I am to my family. So I created a new shell, a new persona, to take over and be perfect for everyone and live up to all expectations.

My friend, Nyssa, didn't take it so well. Today, she wouldn't talk in GTT and I am 99% sure it's my fault....

If you're someone who won't like me the way I choose to be, by all means, abandon me....

I don't need you guys to act depressed and mad, leaving me to think it's my fault when it may not be, just because of something I chose to do to protect myself.

I'm not trying to hurt you guys.... I'm just.... Trying to make sure I don't go back to A4.....

But if you guys choose to keep disliking my shells.... Then that's your choice.... So yeah.... I'm sorry.... To everyone.....

3/12/2013 06:48:37 am

I want you to be you, no shells. Shells aren't you. I want the best friend I had for so long. Nobody is perfect, and if anyone knows that it's us. We'll work through this but I'm not giving up. I'm not abandoning you. Funny thing i got from my dad- if i want something bad enough i'll do anything i need to do to get it. Example: Nico. Another Example: mediocre piano skills. I'm determined to get you back, at any cost to me.

3/12/2013 08:17:21 am

You silly, silly human. You don't realize these shells ARE me. They are parts of my personality or how I feel. But just one thing. For example, Satsujin, more commonly known as Reon, is the shell that emerges when I go "weird".. Weird as in insane, laughy and smiley about blood, suffering, ect. So these shells ARE me. Just major points of me that aren't isolated in my true personality like they are in my shells.


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